Upcoming Events

Volunteer for Challenge Camp - Going on Now!

Would you like to help spread the love of Christ to kids in our community? Sign up to volunteer for either a day or a whole week! 

If you are 18 and over sign up at the back of the sanctuary.  If you are 14-18, pick up an application at the back of the sanctuary. 

Teen applications are due by February 9th. Adult signups are due by February 28th.

Fusion Girls- Galentine's Day- February 13th- 6:30 PM-8:30 PM

Fusion Girls you are invited to our Galentines celebration on February 13th! All grades are welcome 6:30 PM-8:30 PM for games and fellowship!! Located at Abby's House. Please bring your favorite dessert to share and wear your comfiest PJs!! We cannot wait to see you there!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Mercy Team- Valentine Cards & Gift Bag- Packing Event- February 15th- 9:00 AM

Come on out on February 15th at 9:00 AM and help the Mercy Team pack Valentine's Gift Bags for personal care homes. 

Fusion Youth- Capture the Flag- February 15th- 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Saturday, February 15th Fusion Youth will have a Capture the Flag night at HCC. Fun, flags, food- don't miss it.

See the full Fusion Calendar of Events here >>

Women's Ministry Team Meeting- February 16th- 8:30 AM

There will be a Women's Ministry Team Meeting on Sunday, February 16th before the Worship Service at 8:30 AM in Room 106. Enjoy a cup of coffee, and find out where Women's Ministry is headed in 2025! 

See the full Women's Ministry Event Calendar here >>

A Journey to Us: Navigating the Path to a Winning Marriage- February 21-23 

Is it possible to not only survive but thrive in your marriage today?  We offer a resounding YES! When God says that He will do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or imagine, He means it for marriage too.  This retreat will be a biblical, grace-filled, and practical presentation for every married or soon to be married couple.

Join us the weekend of February 21-23 at Hanover Community Church as Brian and Pam Eichelberger present,  "A Journey to Us: Navigating the Path to a Winning Marriage." 


Child Dedication- Sign Up by February 23rd

Is your family interested in Child Dedication? During our regular service on March 2, we will be having Infant and Child Dedication. Please sign up in the Back of the Sanctuary or email Pastor Scott or Cindi. Pastor Scott will then touch base with you. Please sign up by 2/23/25.

Fusion Youth Group- February 23rd - 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM 

For students in 7th through 12th Grade, Fusion Youth Group meets every other Sunday throughout the year. Come out for a time of fun and fellowship. Grow closer to the Lord and with each other.

See the full Fusion Calendar of Events here >>

GriefShare Potluck- February 28th at 6:00 PM

Are you a past or present member of GriefShare? Join us for a GriefShare potluck at HCC on February 28th at 6:00 PM. Contact Shawn Mummert or Deb Neiderer for more details. 

Ladies Potluck Brunch- March 1st- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

Ladies! You are invited to a Ladies Potluck Brunch on Saturday March 1st, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Let's meet together, enjoy fellowship, and get to know new people. 

At March's brunch we will be talking about Building Friendships at Church. So sign up, bring your favorite brunch dish, and get ready for a morning of fellowship and fun. 

Sign up in the Sanctuary on Sunday morning, or email: rachel@hanovercommunitychurch.com for more information.

See the full Women's Ministry Calendar here >>

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry Visits HCC- March 2nd

Representatives from Good News Jail & Prison Ministry will be visiting with us at Hanover Community Church on Sunday, March 2nd. Be sure to stop by the table in the back of the Sanctuary on to meet them, and to learn more about this HCC supported Missions Ministry! 

Learn more about Missions at Hanover Community Church >> 

New Members Class- Informational Meeting- March 30th 

Interested in Membership at Hanover Community Church? Come learn more about us on March 30th after church. If you decide to apply, there will be a follow up class on Saturday, April 5th from 9-12:00.

Church Calendar

Use the Google Calendar to browse upcoming events. Please note this calendar does not reflect private events or availability. If you have any questions about hosting an event or the calendar, please contact Cindi Wilmot at cindi@hanovercommunitychurch.com