Ways to Serve at HCC
Meal Train Ministry
Meal Train Ministry
If there is a person or family that could use a meal, we will post a Meal Train link here. Right now we have no meal trains going on.
Check back soon!
Service Trips
Praying Pelican- NC Disaster Relief Trip- March 16-21
HCC is putting together a team of people to go and help in North Carolina with Disaster Relief from the recent hurricanes. If you are interested in being a part of our team, see Cindi Wilmot for full details, or email: Cindi@hanovercommunitychurch.com
Give Now: NC Missions Trip
We will be taking a team of about 12 folks to North Carolina to serve folks who have been devastated by the hurricane last year!
Even if you can't join us physically, you can help out financially by donating!
All monies above our basic expenses will go directly to help our friends in NC.
TO DONATE, go to:
Then click on "Fund" and then "Mission Trip Fund" OR, write a check to "HCC" or put your donation in a church envelope! Just be sure to mark it "Mission Trip Fund".
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in any of the following Volunteer Opportunities, please contact Cindi at cindi@hanovercommunitychurch.com.
Chair Team
Do you like to see our chairs lined up well on a Sunday morning? We can use 1-2 more folks to help take care of this task 1-2 times/month.
Meal Train Team
Do you love to cook or enjoy picking up a meal or gift card for a friend? Join the Meal Train and help out those who are recovering from illness, surgery, childbirth, and more! A list of our current Meal Trains can be found above that anyone is welcome to help with, but you can be a part of our regular Meal Train team.
Note Writing Ministry
"Take Note" is a ministry that anyone can be part of in order to encourage our church family, especially when facing challenging times! Sign up for more information!
Parking Attendants
Would you like to wear a cool vest and use a "lightsaber"? We would love to have you help out on high-traffic days as a Parking Attendant!
Parking Lot Greeter
Carry a sign and make people feel welcome when they arrive at HCC on Sunday mornings! (Signs provided!)
Do you enjoy catching up with folks who are homebound and giving them some encouragement? Join the visitation team and visit with folks on your own time schedule.
Helping Hands
Would you love to get to know some of your brothers and sisters at HCC more? What better way than serving them when there is a need?! Sign up to drive people to appointments or help with simple tasks around the house. For more information, reach out to Laurie Krom at lakrom10@hotmail.com.
Childcare Helpers
Are you able to help us provide childcare during classes, groups, or special events? Not only do you have the chance to pour into kids in our congregation, but you are helping us serve Moms, allowing them to participate and grow in their faith. All different times and opportunities. Join us today! (We will help you get the clearances and background checks required.) Contact Rachel Haines at rachel@hanovercommunitychurch.com to get started.