The Women of Hanover Community Church will glorify God as disciples who make disciples, through the teaching of God’s Word, the equipping of women to serve the church, the unity of our fellowship, and our worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We foster a supportive sisterhood by connecting women of all ages who:
Love God and people
Develop a strong faith through Bible study and prayer
Share their gifts and talents
Share the love and truth of Christ with others
A Women's Ministry grounded on Matthew 28:18-20 and Titus 2:3-5.
Women's Bible Studies & Groups
Ladies Bible Study- The Gospel of John- Tuesdays 9:00 AM & Online
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:1-5
Come and see the goodness of Jesus with us this year, as our Tuesday Morning Ladies Bible Study dives into the book of John together. This is a straight from scripture study, which will help you to grow in your Biblical literacy, and your ability to read and study God's Word on your own. This study is wonderful for everyone, regardless of where you find yourself in your walk of faith. Come and join us, we have a place for you!
Tuesday AM @ 9:00 AM (Childcare provided.)
Join Us Online! We have weekly discussions through the GroupMe app, and our weekly teachings are posted to our YouTube page.
Check out our Weekly Lessons here:
For more information, or to join us in-person or online, contact:
Ladies Bible Study at New Hope- Tuesdays 6:15 PM- Bible Study- Tuesdays 6:15 PM
It's no longer hidden. The word is spreading that Jesus is the Messiah. Increased fame brings growing crowds, new disciples, and more miracles. It also brings trouble. But they all continue to passionately pursue the man they don't always understand but will always follow.
New Series Starts Tuesday, February 18th!
New Hope Faith Community Church, 33 Sunday Drive, Hanover, PA (outside of McSherrystown) Workbook, Scriptural Discussion, and Historical Background (Each Week)
Tuesday PM @ 6:15 PM (No Childcare Available.)
Praying for Your Adult Children- Mondays at 7:00 PM at the Porter Home, Hanover
Are you a mom who desires more for your adult children? Join Karen Porter and other moms as we bear each others burdens in prayer.
Mondays at 7pm at the Porter Home in Hanover, PA, contact for more information.
Women's Ministry Events
Women's Ministry Team Meeting- February 16th- 8:30 AM
There will be a Women's Ministry Team Meeting on Sunday, February 16th before the Worship Service at 8:30 AM in Room 106. Enjoy a cup of coffee, and find out where Women's Ministry is headed in 2025!
HCC Marriage Retreat- February 21-23
Our Women's Ministry team encourages you to attend the HCC Marriage Retreat, "A Journey to Us" on February 21-23 here at Hanover Community Church.
Is it possible to not only survive but thrive in your marriage today? We offer a resounding YES! When God says that He will do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or imagine, He means it for marriage too. This retreat will be a biblical, grace-filled, and practical presentation for every married or soon to be married couple.
Ladies Potluck Brunch- March 1st- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ladies! You are invited to a Ladies Potluck Brunch on Saturday March 1st, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Let's meet together, enjoy fellowship, and get to know new people.
At March's brunch we will be talking about Building Friendships at Church. So sign up, bring your favorite brunch dish, and get ready for a morning of fellowship and fun.
Sign up in the Sanctuary on Sunday morning, or email: for more information.
Upcoming Dates:
Saturday, March 1st- 10:00 AM-12:00 PM- Building Friendships at Church
Saturday, June 7th- 10:00 AM-12:00 PM- Helping Others Through Trials
Saturday, August 16th- 10:00 AM-12:00 PM- Ladies Summer Book Club
November 15th- 10:00 AM-12:00 PM- Keeping Your Focus on God Through the Holiday Season
Women's Worship Nights
Join us for an evening of women-led worship, as we pour our hearts out to God in song, prayer, and testimony.
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, April 11th- 6:30 PM-8:00 PM- Women's Worship Night
Friday, September 5th- 6:30 PM-8:00 PM- Women's Worship Night
Women's Ministry Staff & Team
Rachel Haines- Women's Ministry Director
Rachel Haines serves as the Women's Ministry Director at Hanover Community Church. She works to lead and develop Women's Bible Studies, Groups, and Classes, Women's Equipping, as well as working with our Connections Ministry Leader, Cindi Wilmot to develop Women's Ministry Events throughout the year.
Rachel has a deep passion for the Word of God and teaching the Bible. She loves to see Women growing in their faith, and being equipped to lead. Her favorite thing about ministry is witnessing people come to know and love Jesus Christ.
Rachel also works to assist Pastor Matt Miller in Adult Discipleship Programming.
Contact Rachel:
Office Hours:
Monday & Wednesday- 9-1 PM, Tuesday- 8-3 PM
Thursday & Friday- By appointment (study days)
Cindi Wilmot- Care & Connections Ministry Director
Cindi Wilmot serves as our Care & Connections Ministry Leader at Hanover Community Church. Her areas of responsibility include Sunday Operations, Hospitality/Kitchen, Volunteers, Congregational Connections and overseeing the Church Calendar.
Cindi loves to connect Women of all ages at church, and works with Rachel on planning and executing Women's Ministry events and programming.
Cindi has a Masters of Arts in Pastoral Counseling & Psychology from Ashland Seminary and a Bachelor of Arts from Taylor University in Christian Education and Music. Her vocational background has been in camp ministry, college ministry, private practice counseling and direct sales. Since joining the staff at HCC in 2018, Cindi has most enjoyed getting to know the church family and helping us become more connected.
Cindi & her husband, Dan, have 6 adult children and several grandchildren they enjoy visiting. They love snow and cheering on the Buffalo Bills with their dog, Buffy.
Contact Cindi:
Be a Part of Women's Ministry!
Do you have a passion for Women's Discipleship and Ministry? Help us shape Women's Ministry at HCC, we are holding a place for you!
Contact Rachel: