Mercy Ministry

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 

The Mercy Ministry for HCC exists to assist church members and regular attenders in unusual times of need. Additionally, the Mercy Ministry provides opportunities for outreach in our community through established ministries and through individual ministry in times of crises.

Upcoming Projects

Valentine Card & Gift Bag Collection- Bring Items by February 9th

The Mercy Team will be collecting toiletries and Valentine cards for personal care homes. Bring donations to the stageand place valentine cards signed “Hanover Community Church”, at the back of the sanctuary in the Valentine box by February 9th.

On Saturday, February 15th at 9am, everyone welcome to help pack gift bags!


Slipper socks -most needed  (quality slipper socks from Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon)

Full size Shampoo & Conditioner

Full size Body Wash


Full size Toothpaste

Small Tissue Packs

Hershey Kisses

Valentine Cards

Valentine Card & Gift Bag Collection- Packing Event- February 15th- 9AM

Come on out on February 15th at 9:00 AM and help the Mercy Team pack Valentine's Gift Bags for personal care homes. 

Ongoing Ministries

Bountiful Harvest Food Sharing Pantry

Bountiful Harvest is our Food Sharing Pantry which is located in Room 107 at church, on the main level behind the Sanctuary. 

This Food Sharing Pantry is open to all of HCC to take what you need, and to give what you have. It's for all of us! 

Bountiful Harvest is also a great resource to provide meals for people on our Meal Train. 

Check back regularly for a list of donations from time -to-time, which will help us stay well supplied. 

Any questions? Contact Melony Spangler, our Mercy Team Leader or Alexis Gearhardt. 

You First Personal Care Home

Join us as we minister to local seniors at the You First Personal Care Home in Hanover, PA.  We go a few times a month to do activities with these loved and valued members of our community. See Alexis Gearhardt for more details. 

Check back for upcoming dates! 

Valentine's Day Gift Bags for Personal Care Homes

During the weeks leading up to February 14th we collect Valentine's Day cards and personal care items to give to local seniors in personal care homes. Each card also includes a gospel message and personal note. These are then put into Gift Bags and delivered to local seniors in our area.

New Life For Girls Dinner

During the month of August, we collect donations for a dinner that is prepared and made by members of HCC for New Life For Girls ministries in York County. We look forward to this special event every year when we get to minister to and have fellowship with women at New Life. 

HCC Angel Trees

In the weeks leading up to Christmas the HCC Mercy Team is proud to present our Angel Trees project. 

On each of our Angel Trees you will find an ornament with a needed gift or item for a member of our local community. We then collect all of these new, unwrapped gifts (with ornament attached), wrap them at a big wrapping party, and send them to a local family in need. 

It's the perfect way to get into the Christmas Spirit and to share the love of Christ with families in Hanover.

Operation Christmas Child

Every year we look forward to packing and collecting Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Whether you bring your box to church, or join us at our packing party we love sharing the love of Jesus around the world. 

Resources For Those In Need

Assistance for Regular Attenders & Members

If you are a regular attender or member at Hanover Community Church and are in need of assistance from the Mercy Ministry, please fill out the form below.

Resources for Our Community

Do you live in the Hanover Area and are in need? Our Mercy Team has put together a list of local resources.  Click the button below for more information.

Join the Mercy Team

Join the Team! 

If you would like to be a part of the Mercy Team, you are invited to our meeting the third Sunday of every Month in Room 104. You can also reach out to Melony Spangler, or email: