Global Missions
Global Missions
As ambassadors for Christ it is our desire to go into the world to fulfill the great commission defined in Matthew 28:19. We plant spiritual seeds, water seeds that have been sown, or harvest souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Matthew 4:18-20). As we reach outside the walls of the church into the community, we minister to the lost through prayer, encouragement, and sharing of the "good news of the gospel".
If you would like to join the Missions Team, please contact us at
The team meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month after the service.
Avila Family, Omar Avila
Omar is a Mexican national serving in Zamora, Micihocacan, Mexico. There, he is starting a second church and trains students for ministry. Pastors from around the area send students to the institute for training in Bible, evangelism, discipleship, and service with their hands. Graduates of the institute have pursued ministry work including church planting. Omar serves along with his wife, Viridina, his daughter, Leslie Nohemi, age 12, and his two sons, Omar Jr., age 11, and Abisai, age 9. HCC has been supporting the Avila's since 2005.
SIM, Calvin & Shelly Brain
Both of Calvin and Shelly were born to missionary parents who worked in different continents. Calvin’s parents worked first in Angola and then in Zambia. Shelly’s parents worked in northern Brazil among Amazonian Indian tribes.
Calvin and Shelly met in South Carolina while Shelly was in Bible College and Calvin was in seminary. After graduating there were married in July, 1991. They spent two years working and raising support and then served with Africa Evangelical Fellowship (AEF) in Namibia and Angola. Eventually AEF merged with SIM and they became SIM missionaries.
Calvin and Shelly worked in Namibia for a year and a half and in Angola for almost eleven years in the area of leadership development and in the production of books in various Angolan languages like Luchazi and Chokwe. They have been able to print copies of nearly 60 books in these languages and seek to provide them at cost to pastors and people in ministry in Angola, Zambia, Namibia and South Africa where these language groups are found and have functioning churches.
Calvin and Shelly left Angola in 2005 with the intent of working in a similar capacity in Namibia but were unable to obtain work visas to live and work there. Two years into this prolonged waiting, they began to design and put together a SIM related project called the Pastor’s Book Set. This project goal is to supply books and resources to Christian workers in English, the national language of Namibia, along with Bible teaching and conferences in these various cities.
As time has elapsed and contacts made, the Pastor’s Book Set has frequently helped various ministries net-work in these ten different cities. So far 38 books have been supplied to these 1400 pastors in two different phases and a third is planned. For the past few years, we have been living and working here in the US helping to care for our aging parents and in caring on the printing of these multiple language books and the Pastor’s book Set in Namibia.
During their time in Namibia and Angola God blessed them with two daughters, Charity and Charissa who were both born in Namibia. Charity, their first-born daughter, is now working as a Vet in an emergency room of an animal hospital in south east Phoenix. Charissa, their second born daughter is married, living in southern Maryland and works as a social worker in the public school system.
Ripe for Harvest, Brian & Pam Eichelberger
After serving in the Czech Republic for seven years primarily focusing on evangelism and church planting, the Eichelbergers have now assumed the role of New Missionary Facilitator with Ripe for Harvest. This includes helping to approve new candidates, and then coming alongside of them to shepherd them as they raise support, meet with churches and individuals, research and prepare to arrive on their field of service, and help them to understand the policies and procedures of the agency. Currently Brian and Pam are assisting 25 new missionary units who are or will be serving in countries all over the world.
"Good News Jail & Prison Ministry is the largest independent supplier of chaplains for jails and prisons worldwide, serving in 22 states, 1 American territory and 25 countries. Your gifts help Good News bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners. We thank you for helping us reach those others have forgotten."
HCC specifically supports their mission in Egypt.
John and Ronda Lennon are church planting missionaries in the beautiful country of Ecuador. They previously served in Paraguay for many years before moving to Ecuador. John’s ministries include church planting, leadership development, missionary mentoring, and outreach among the Middle Eastern communities that live in Quito. Ronda is an educator and enjoys teaching Bible and Art to middle and high school students at an International School. John and Ronda have been married for over 30 years and have 2 adult children. They are passionate about bringing people to Christ, discipling them in their faith, and forming healthy Biblical churches and church leaders for the glory of God.
DiscipleMakers, Kevin & Maria Noyes
Since 2013, Kevin and Maria Noyes have ministered to college students with DiscipleMakers, first at Penn State main campus from 2013-2018 and now at Gettysburg College, Penn State York, and Shippensburg University. They are passionate about reaching the next generations with the gospel because bot of their lives were radically transformed by Jesus in college.
HCC is happy to support several families through the Pioneers organization. "Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached."
FMF International & JET, Quebec Outreach to Youth, Jeff & Tonda Street
Ministering in the Québec City area since 1997, the Streets have created and developed youth ministry at four area evangelical churches: training leadership and discipling young people. They then successfully turned over the youth ministry to national leadership at each church.
In 2020 the Streets expanded their Youth Ecclesia ministry to the entire French-speaking world (47 countries) in offering free one-month youth ministry counseling & guidance to local churches. They are also developing a program called Project 67 (Based on Deut. 6:7) to help churches disciple parents of school-age children.
After a few years of youth ministry in Québec, the Streets started a Frenchspeaking mission called JET (Jusqu’aux Extrémités de la Terre) -which means “to the ends of the Earth.” This legally recognized charitable organization exists to help Québecois churches become directly involved in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus and in raising up a generation of missionaries who will go out into the harvest.
Since going to Québec, the Streets have organized and/or participated in more than 30 mission trips with more than 400 French Canadians to 15 countries. 100 former participants have gone to Bible School and 21 have gone into full-time ministry.
Graham and Olivia Young Nigeria, West Africa, Vision Baptist Missions
Graham and Olivia serve with Vision Baptist Missions in order to reach people in Nigeria, a country that is home to approximately 500 different languages and dialects. Nigeria has a rapidly-growing population; the religious landscape is almost evenly split between Christianity and Islam. The Youngs' ultimate goal is to plant multiple churches across Nigeria by training believers to lead, pastor, and plant churches. During this first term of two years in country, they are working hard, learning the Hausa language. Once language acquisition is accomplished, Graham and Olivia's second term will begin in a new area with a new work. They have recently been able to participate in a church planting seminar in the city of Abeokuta as well as work in a summer VBS program, and are planning to start a Bible study in their home.
Alexander Hammond Panama, Word of Life
Alex is one of HCC's own! He has attended Youth Group, being mentored by Youth Pastor Matt Miller, and has served faithfully on the Worship Team! He grew up in a Christian household, with parents who served the Lord in their own home church. He has served as a junior counselor at Alpine Bible Camp, which sparked his interest in teaching others about Christ and helping them grow in their faith. He attended Word of Life Bible Institute and garnered a firm foundation in God's Word; while there, he was presented with the opportunity to be a music and youth leader in Panama for two years. His experience as a camp counselor, part of the Overflow Legacy Band, and attendance at a bilingual Spanish school have all been preparation for this exciting ministry. He will be the head intern over a youth group that meets weekly on the Word of Life campus in Panama, while also participating in evangelistic events such as open air meetings, schools, and camps.